Sunday, June 15, 2008

Tips for Holiday Cooks

Cooking and holidays are fun! You'll find recipes in this cookbook for all your favorite holidays -- and some new ones, too.

The recipes are easily prepared by the junior cook. Just follow the directions, and you'll surprise your family and friends with your cooking talents. Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Let an older person help you when necessary.
2. Read the recipe before you begin. If it's a long recipe, you might want to read it several times.
3. Place all the utensils you will need in the cooking area.
4. Be sure you have all the ingredients ready to use.
5. Wash your hands.
6. When you have finished cooking, turn off the stove, oven or appliances.
7. Clean up your mess. Wash the utensils and counter tops.

Make meals a holiday happening with the food you have prepared!

source: Youth Publications / The Saturday Evening Post Company: Holiday Cookbook (1976)


The Royals said...

Where's your pictures?????

The Dillon 6 said...

Oh -- I can add those. Some of these are from silly Kid-cookbooks from when I was growing up...they don't have real pictures...